Call for submissions Healthy Prison Review of the AMC 2022

2 Feb 2022

The ACT Office of the Inspector of Correctional Services (OICS) is conducting the second Healthy Prison Review of the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) in 2022.  The first review was conducted in 2019, and is available on our website

OICS invites input in writing or any other format (eg video message) from any entities, groups or individuals with knowledge or experience about the AMC. This process is in addition to OICS engagement with detainees and staff via surveys, meetings and discussions. The review will assess how the AMC is performing against the OICS ACT Standards for Adult Correctional Services.

Submissions can be emailed to, and should be received by OICS  no later than 15 March 2022. Thank you for your interest in contributing to our review, we look forward to receiving your sumissions.

For more information on the review, please contact OICS on 1800 982 010 or